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We provide the safest, most affordable and streamlined timeshare cancellation process. Getting rid of your timeshare has never been easier.
We believe in doing what is right instead of what's easy. We were founded on transparency and are proud of what we offer our clients.
Standardized Pricing
98% Success Rate
Money Back Guarantee
BBB Accredited
Payment Plans Offered
Secure Client Portal
Native Mobile App
Keep Recovered $
No Standardized Pricing
Lack Transparency
No BBB Accreditation
Record of complaints
Exorbitant Upfront Fees
No Credit Repair
No Client Portal or App
No Payment Plans
Fees on recovered $
We have helped thousands of clients get results with our unique approach and best-in-class tech. We know how to cancel a timeshare and believe timeshare owners need an advocate that can provide reliable results.
We know that many timeshare owners were lied to, faced high pressure sales tactics, or were misled when they got involved with timeshare.
Cancel Timeshare was founded to fight for your consumer rights.
Let our team show you how easy it is to cancel your timeshare. No more stress. No more debt. No more high pressure sales presentations every time you go on vacation. Getting rid of a timeshare has never been easier.
Money Recovered
Contracts Cancelled
Cases Completed
We believe in our mission to help our clients. That's why we offer standardized pricing, payment plans, and are committed to making our services as affordable as possible. No guessing games or meeting upon meeting to find out the cost.
That is a completely personal choice - we let you make that decision.
We use technology to streamline our workflows, saving countless hours of busy work. Our process is guaranteed to deliver successful results quickly.
Go to our Timeshare Cancellation Process Overview to learn how we cancel timeshares the right way
It ranges from 4 months to 30 months and depends on:
• How many contracts need cancelled
• The overall amount owed to the timeshare company
• How quickly clients submit their timeshare documents
On average it takes just under 12 months to get rid of your timeshare.
We are not a law firm and do not practice law. We are a group of dedicated Consumer Advocates. While we work with lawyers and have access to the best legal teams available, Cancel Timeshare is not a law firm.
We cancel timeshares with our standard pricing that depends on how many contracts you want out of and how much you owe. Check out our Pricing Page for more information.
We have done what no other company has - offer transparent and standardized pricing. We stand by our commitment to do what is right by our clients and have zero complaints.
Absolutely - you have the right to cancel your timeshare and we can help!
Check out this article to learn how getting rid of a timeshare works.